Review of models of engagement

The review of models of engagement was prepared from a range of relevant written sources (literature review) supplemented by 14 guided conversations with key informants. The informants were involved with a range of rural industries including cotton, dairy, horticulture, meat and livestock, pork and sugar and government agencies in NSW and Victoria.

The review identified five areas where the Australian private sector is active (to varying degrees) in rural research, development, extension and advisory roles:

  1. Research and development (contributing ideas for research and participating in building research capacity of industry);
  2. Industry development (working with industry to deliver industry goods);
  3. Private sector development (helping to build self-capacity);
  4. Delivery development (developing research delivery channels and advisory pathways), and;
  5. Product development (developing outputs of research).

It found there is scope to organise and integrate the growing pool of engagement activities into a cross-sectoral program to co-ordinate private sector engagement within and across industries.

The review identified four engagement models with potential application to enhancing the private sector role in agricultural extension:

  1. KStar
  2. IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum
  3. Analytical framework
  4. Working engagement-dynamics

Although not previously tested in the context of Australia’s rural research and extension environment, the models offer innovative ways to frame, understand and enhance engagement of agricultural advisors, including those in the private sector.

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