
The four engagement trials have been completed. The trial teams and their private sector partners have collectively defined shared problems, interests and opportunities for collaboration through the trial co-designed intervention processes in the identified area.

The trials' underlying action research approach followed a plan, do, and review cycle, with the aim of producing an engagement model for each of the four technical trial contexts and questions that were designed to be transferrable across industries.

The outcomes of the interactions between participating public, private and industry sector partners initiated by the four engagement trials reflect the aims of the action research process for these collaborative learning and engagement case studies. These include:

  • Increased connections between previously unconnected players in the system (social networks and social infrastructures/media, i.e. a new Facebook page in ‘Advisory Pathways’ for Trial 3);
  • Increased understanding of the complexity of the problem context via the combination of multi-stakeholder perspectives;
  • Increased influence of the private advisory sector on the definition of issues and shared interests;
  • A better understanding of the demands and constraints faced by the sectors (government, industry and private advisory sector and how this potentially influences their interactions);
  • A better understanding of what is involved in the collaborative process, its challenges and opportunities;
  • Co-design: understanding that the design of the trials needs to be done ‘with’ advisory sector participants not ‘for’;
  • Increased opportunity to work together to address what has been collectively identified as a shared interest or issue;
  • The development of a shared goal for the collaboration shared strategies to ensure the success of the trials and a legacy beyond the project;
  • Early stage development of a number of engagement models tailored to the specific trial topics and able to be adapted in similar contexts across industries.

A copy of the Trials Fact sheet can be found here. The links below will take you to the Trial videos.

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